STRING has an application programming interface (API) which enables you to get the data without using the graphical user interface of the web page. The API is convenient if you need to programmatically access some information but still do not want to download the entire dataset. There are several scenarios when it is practical to use it. For example, you might need to access some interaction from your own scripts or want to incorporate some information in STRING to a web page.

We currently provide an implementation using HTTP, where the database information is accessed by HTTP requests. Due to implementation and licensing reasons, The API provide methods to query individual items only, similar to the web site. If you need access to bulk data, you can download the entire dataset by signing the academic license agreement.

API format Top ↑

To call the API, make a URI (uniform resource identifier) of the following form:


Possible values for the fields are listed in the tables below. Note that only some of the combinations of the fields are possible as shown on this diagram:

API URL structure

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As an identifier, it is possible to use either a single entry or a list of entries. The parameter is then called identifiers or identifiers, respectively. In the former case, the request should be resolve, abstracts, actions, interactors, interactions or network followed by the required parameter identifier and its value. In the latter case, when there are several entries, the request should be ending with ...List and have the required parameter identifiers. The values of the identifiers parameter contains a list of items separated by new line characters (%0A or %0D).

It is also possible to use a single item in list of identifies, for most cases this will be identical to the single item queries mentioned above.

List of databases Top ↑

Database Description Main entry point of STRING Alternative entry point of STRING The sister database of STRING

List of accesses Top ↑

Access Description
api Application programming interface
services Other services to access data

List of return formats Top ↑

Format Description
json JSON format either as a list of hashes/dictionaries, or as a plain list (if there is only one value to be returned per record)
tsv Tab separated values, with a header line
tsv-no-header Tab separated values, without header line
psi-mi The interaction network in PSI-MI 2.5 XML format
psi-mi-tab Tab-delimited form of PSI-MI (similar to tsv, modeled after the IntAct specification. (Easier to parse, but contains less information than the XML format.)

List of requests Top ↑

Request Returns
resolve List of items that match (in name or identifier) the query item
resolveList List of items that match (in name or identifier) the query items
abstracts List of abstracts that contain the query item
abstractsList List of abstracts that contain any of the query items
interactors List of interaction partners for the query item
interactorsList List of interaction partners for any of the query items
actions Action partners for the query item
actionsList Action partners for any of the query items
interactions Interaction network in PSI-MI 2.5 format or PSI-MI-TAB format (similar to tsv)
interactionsList Interaction network as above, but for a list of identifiers
network The network image for the query item
networkList The network image for the query items

List of parameters and values Top ↑

Parameter Description
identifier required parameter for single item, e.g. DRD1_HUMAN
identifiers required parameter for multiple items, e.g. DRD1_HUMAN%0DDRD2_HUMAN
format For resolve requests: only-ids get the list of only the STRING identifiers (full by default). For abstract requests: use colon pmids for alternative shapes of the pubmed identifier
species Taxon identifiers (e.g. Human 9606, see:
limit Maximum number of nodes to return, e.g 10
required_score Threshold of significance to include a interaction, a number between 0 and 1000
additional_network_nodes Number of additional nodes in network (ordered by score), e.g. 10
network_flavor The style of edges in the network. evidence for colored multilines. Confidence for singled lines where hue correspond to confidence score. (actions for stitch only)
caller_identity Your identifier for us.

The meaning of the columns returned from STRING API calls Top ↑

Column Description
nscore neighborhood score, (computed from the inter-gene nucleotide count)
fscore fusion score (derived from fused proteins in other species)
pscore cooccurence score of the phyletic profile (derived from similar absence/presence patterns of genes)
hscore homology score, the degree of homology of the interactors (normally not reported in STRING)
ascore coexpression score (derived from similar pattern of mRNA expression measured by DNA arrays and similar technologies)
escore experimental score (derived from experimental data, e.g., affinity chromatography)
dscore database score (derived from curated data of various databases)
tscore textmining score (derived from the co-occurrence of gene/protein names in abstracts)

Examples Top ↑

Find out which proteins match the description "ADD" in human:

Return bare IDs that you could pipe into other STRING API-functions:

Maximum 10 PMID (default setting for limit) for that contain any of that identifiers:

Get the 20 highest scoring interactors above score 400 for a list of queries:

Gert interactions above score 900 for a list of queries and limit to 5 nodes: (i.e. max 5.6/2=15 interactions).

Retrieve an image of the network of a known identifier, with a score threshold of 950, limited to 10 interacting protein, and a evidence style of the edges:

Additional information about the API Top ↑

As mentioned above, if you need to do large-scale analysis, please download full data set. Otherwise you may flood the string server with api requests, in particular if you run scripts in parallel.

The format of the API will stay constant with upcoming versions of STRING, but it is likely that add more query options later for retrieving information. For example: What are the synonyms of this item? To which orthologous group does this protein belong? etc.

The caller_identity parameter can be used for identifying you call to STRING. We can provide logging information according to such information. Please contact the string team if you have particular needs.